Health D-G: IMR’s virology unit created reagant for coronavirus days before WHO released similar protocol

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 9 — Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah today said that the…
Marine cops foil smuggling attempts in Semporna, Tawau
MARINE police foiled a Pala’u man’s attempt in Pulau Sisipan near here to smuggle out petrol…
Resist China pressure to shun Taiwan, US governors told
US State Secretary Mike Pompeo yesterday urged governors to resist Chinese pressure to shun Taiwan, warning…
Confidence vote waste of time, back MA63 amendment instead, PAS told

Sabah DAP secretary Chan Foong Hin says all the PAS MPs abstained from voting for the MA63 amendment bill in April last year. KOTA KINABALU: Sabah DAP today told PAS to support the constitutional amendment bill to restore Sabah and Sarawak’s position as equal partners in Malaysia as a sign of support for Dr Mahathir […]
Sokong pindaan perlembagaan tanda sokong PM, DAP beritahu PAS

Setiausaha DAP Sabah Chan Foong Hin berkata, PAS sepatutnya membatalkan rancangan untuk membawa usul percaya kepada kepimpinan Dr Mahathir Mohamad dalam persidangan Dewan Rakyat akan datang. KOTA KINABALU: Setiausaha DAP Sabah Chan Foong Hin hari ini menggesa PAS supaya menyokong pindaan perlembagaan untuk mengembalikan hak Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai rakan kongsi setaraf dalam persekutuan Malaysia […]
Teachers, students who visited China recently must follow 14-day self-quarantine
CORONAVIRUS | Those impacted need to go through health screening before they can resume school, says Teo.
Anwar’s PM prospects continue to wither on the vine
COMMENT | Dr M shifts the goalposts making almost certain Anwar won’t be nation’s 8th premier.
Lower toll charges at Woodlands, Tuas checkpoints from March 2

SINGAPORE, Feb 9 — Singapore’s toll charges for cars, buses and taxis at the Woodlands and…