Report: Filipino helper hospitalised after alleged beating by employer’s daughter

A report said that Penny Fritz Gutierrez Pido, 39, sustained serious injuries from the beating in Kuching, Sarawak. — Picture by Ahmad Zamzahuri
A report said that Penny Fritz Gutierrez Pido, 39, sustained serious injuries from the beating in Kuching, Sarawak. — Picture by Ahmad Zamzahuri

KUALA LUMPUR, May 26 — A Filipino domestic worker was left hospitalised after she was allegedly kicked in the head and limbs by her employer’s daughter earlier this month.

The Star reported that Penny Fritz Gutierrez Pido, 39, sustained serious injuries from the beating in Kuching, Sarawak.

“I have 50 stitches in my head. My right hand and left arm are broken. My left knee is also fractured, so I cannot walk,” Penny was quoted as saying.

News about the alleged abuse surfaced more than a week after the incident is said to have taken place when Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii posted about it on Facebook on May 16.

Gutierrez Pido said she was beaten on May 8. She was admitted to the Borneo Medical Centre the next day for treatment.

The helper claimed her employer had told her not to reveal the incident to anyone.

“When my employer brought me to the hospital, she told the doctors not to make a police report,” the helper claimed.

“But after she left, I told the doctors what happened.”

The authorities have since launched an investigation. Gutierrez Pido said the police came to talk to her on May 16 together with Dr Yii, who was tipped off about her case.

Her sister Jackylin Pido, who came to Kuching on May 21, now wants police to speed up investigation.

“Whatever mistake occurred, you shouldn’t do that to my sister. No one has a right to hurt others,” she said.

Jackylin said she went to the Philippine embassy in Kuala Lumpur for assistance on May 21 before flying to Kuching.