ALOR SETAR: The Social Security Organisation will have a “different and better” Job Portal online service to help job seekers to find suitable employment.
Socso chief executive Dr Mohammed Azman Aziz Mohammed said the system would be able to help more than 50% of people seeking employment.
Once it is up and running, users will be presented a list of suitable jobs based on the information they provide.
“Yes, there are many other portals are like that, but our system is different and better than the existing ones. Many parameters are provided in this system, for example, the type of jobs, location, qualification and type of training required by job seekers,” he told reporters after the launch of Kedah Socso’s employment insurance scheme job carnival here today.
Mohammed Azman said Socso would also provide guidance to low-skilled job seekers by providing counselling, helping them to prepare resumes, and finding suitable employers.
The carnival held today was to introduce the employment insurance scheme to Socso contributors who lost their jobs. Up to July 12, Socso received 23,284 applications for EIS benefits, and obtained reemployment for 13,823 people.