JAKARTA: The chief executives of a state-owned bank and mining company were among a dozen deputy ministers appointed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo to assist his newly-appointed cabinet.
Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, president director of PT Bank Mandiriand Budi Gunadi Sadikin, chief executive of state mining company PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium were made deputy ministers in the state-owned enterprise ministry, which is headed by business tycoon Erick Thohir.
Mahendra Siregar, the ambassador to the US, was named as a deputy foreign minister.
Jokowi, as the president is known, early this week announced his cabinet lineup that included a millennial startup founder and his election rival as he looks to bolster Southeast Asia’s largest economy against a global slowdown.
The list of deputy ministers also included several politicians and Suahasil Nazara, the head of fiscal policy, as the deputy finance minister.
The new ministers were sworn in by Jokowi in Jakarta on Friday.