Penang groups demanding accountability should also be accountable

NGOs, especially those in Penang, pride themselves as watchdogs to keep the government accountable. But should NGOs themselves be held accountable for their own actions? The answer is a definite “yes”. Our reason for this is simple: NGOs are influential in swaying public opinion on policies and development plans. Their actions may impact society as […]

Pemilik didenda RM1,000 benar tanah jadi tempat buang sampah haram

Mahkamah turut memerintah H’ng Boon Chai memindahkan kesemua sampah di 9 lot tanah seluas 20.3 hektar ke tempat pelupusan sampah dalam tempoh 14 hari. BUKIT MERTAJAM: Seorang pemilik tanah didenda RM1,000 oleh Mahkamah Majistret di sini hari ini selepas mengaku bersalah membenarkan tanahnya dijadikan tempat longgokan sampah haram. H’ng Boon Chai, 65, membuat pengakuan itu […]