Govt told to justify hiding info on coronavirus victim’s movements

The government has refused to divulge details on places a 41-year-old man visited, after he was confirmed as the first Malaysian to contract coronavirus. PETALING JAYA: An activist on health issues has demanded an explanation for the government’s apparent refusal to disclose the recent movements of a Malaysian infected with the Wuhan coronavirus. Chan Chee […]

AS laksana larangan kekal kepada pegawai kanan Goldman kerana 1MDB

Eksekutif kanan Goldman Sachs, Andrea Vella. NEW YORK: Bank Negara Amerika Syarikat mengumumkan Rizab Persekutuan melarang seorang eksekutif kanan Goldman Sachs terbabit dalam industri perbankan selama-lamanya susulan skandal 1MDB. Andrea Vella yang diminta bercuti susulan siasatan ke atas skandal itu, di mana Goldman Sachs didakwa membantu 1MDB memperoleh AS$6.5 bilion dalam bentuk bon. Jabatan Kehakiman […]